Beach bum and assistant cameleer

Ah Broome... Through a friend of a friend it took me about 5 mintus to find a job and a place to live in Broome. I was asked to become an assistant camelier, meaning that I got paid for walking app. 15 camels along one of the most beautiful beaches of Australia during spectacular sunsets and get paid for it.

Most of my mornings started with the sunrise; I took Niki to the nude beach for a morning walk when nobody else was there. I spend hours laying in the surf, watching the waves roll by and having a clear mind. Later on in the mornings I would sometimes do some yard or administrative work and around 14h we would start to get the camels ready for the rides. By 20h the job would be done and it was time to socialize again. I worked 5 days a week and paid a little amount for rent. The owner of the business and I shared the house.

I became a social butterfly in Broome. It was so easy to make contact and in a short while I made three dear friends of which two still last. After a few months I moved in with one of my friends, staying in a garage which had timber walls and ceilings. Niki and I had a good time there, nothing but a swag, one shelves with some books and shells and a rack for clothing. Life was simple and very good.

Another lasting impression was made by the bodywork of Satrup. I rediscovered myself, the love for my body and just being content with what was there in the moment. Hence the time I spend on the nude beach, before this trip I would have never been found there.

There were two dangers for me in Broome. One was a born to be wild guy whom stole my heart and threw the key away. Another was camel Seabush who charged me once. The tallest camel of all swaying all fours around my ears was to much for my knees, never knew that the Dutch expression 'elastieke benen' was for real. Now I did. It was a close call when the owner arrived back from lunch or I would have been mounted. The time after I pretended to be a huge tiger when working in the yards alone (just mentally, don't worry). Somehow it worked and he left me alone.

Everything in Broome just fell into place. I loved it, it had everything I needed. Things that others missed were not on my priority list. I felt at home. The only times that I have cried stepping into an airplane was right there. Never knowing if and when I could return to this beautiful place, a little paradise.

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