Peace One Day

Zoals sommigen van jullie wellicht weten ben ik actief in het Alternatives to Violence Project. Omdat we niet genoeg te doen hadden, uhum, besloten we dit jaar Peace One Day te vieren en onder de aandacht te brengen in Broome. Dat is goed gelukt! Er stond een mooi artikel in de lokale krant, helaas kan ik geen pdf's uploaden hier, maar ook op onze Facebook site staat een stukje: Peace One Day in Broome 21/22 September 2012 What a difference a day makes... We have just celebrated Peace and brought awareness to international Peace Day at the Courthouse Markets in Broome. 8-1pm people enjoyed Tai Chi sessions, lots of FREE HUGS, treats made by Raw Love Van's Mandy and energy balls made by the women in our regional prison. Many have posed in our Peace Photo Booth - photo's soon to follow, as well as enjoyed peace songs performed by Susie Quicke during her live session at the Courthouse. Also Joy and her band of friends handed out heaps of flyers about our activities and raised $51.95 along the way as extracurricular spontaneous activity! Thank you all for your contributions to AVP Kimberley so we could have many people aware of Global Peace Day: Broome Courthouse Markets, Raw Love Van, the women in BRP, Red Dot + Red Cross shop for props, Yuen Wings for mats, Goolarri media for running peace films and Vanda for playing lots of peace songs. ABC for hearing us out and broadcasting far and wide re our activities. Justine De Bruyn for running a great free Zumba class on Cable Beach which was very well received and enjoyed. Nothing possible without the time and energy of the AVP Kimberley volunteers. THANKS ALL, PEACE!
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