Pirate Captain Creekbed

In Australia we do school holiday entertainment. This is a worthy investment, especially for commercial thinking shopping centres. A bit like celebrating Valentine’s Day; who knows what that is about expect for that you know you have to spend lots of money on unnecessary items. We went and had a look at Pirate Captain Creekbed. This pirate must have just woken up in Australia about ten seconds before the start of the show. I suspect him from falling asleep with a barrel of rum the night before in Ireland. He seemed not to know what was coming or where he had to go. What to do with those kids looking up at him expectantly? Maybe throw some golden coins at them, or tell them to chase the Treasure chest. Hold on, don’t forget to put that somewhere in sight and then tell them where to look for it too. Patch a black eye on them to make it a bit harder. Or maybe it is best to have them cheering each other whilst one kid walks around blindfolded. At this stage I suspect the kids found the barrel of rum, because they were dead quiet, stunned. They now had turns to throw balls in a basket. But the balls were thrown anywhere but in the basket. And the kids next to the baskets just put them all in when they flew by in bad aim. They seemed in La-la-land instead of on big ship sailing the ocean. The pirate did all the cheering. He wandered about, waving arms and nodding his Captains head, meanwhile uttering Irish encouragements or desperations. He made up for it in the end. The pirate got all the kids a balloon, sword or doggy. They all stood in line for that and smiled happily when going home.

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